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VO : Most survival strategies in prison don't involve making many friends. When it's just about staying alive you do what you have to.



VO : Convincing someone that they're looking at an army that's not there is about the little details: the barrel of a high-powered rifle combined with the bulkiness of a seat back under a plastic tarp can sell the presence of a team of concealed snipers ready to supply cover fire. A heavily loaded vehicle positioned at a natural choke point gives the impression of an assault team ready to storm the target. And a few well-placed agents with ear-pieces look just like spotters that could guide an assault team.



VO : Carrying off a successful attack in prison, or any institutional environment, is a challenge. There are simply more factors to consider than in a regular fight. You have to deal with bystanders, any of whom could decide to jump in on either side. And of course if you don't remove the guards the fight will be over before it starts. Even if you do everything right you only have a small window of time; but, hopefully, that's all you need.



VO : There are certain people in life you get stuck with, whether you love them, they drive you nuts or both. They've made you who you are. For most people it's a coach or a favorite teacher, for a spy it's a training officer.



VO : Prison, or any confined institutional environment, is just about the worst place possible to make an enemy. The regular schedule means your enemies know where you are every hour of the day. While crowded living conditions mean they can choose the time and place that is best for an attack. Usually, the best you can do is to stay moving, stay aware and stay paranoid.



VO : Creating tools in prison is about working with what you have. Some things are simple, like making a knife by sharpening a tooth brush. But with a little effort, it is possible to get more sophisticated. Tightly rolled magazine pages soaked in salt water can create a serviceable club. You can make a prison lighter by short circuiting a double A battery with some wire and stripping the insulation at the ignition point. Once you're done, the issue is hiding what you've made. All the weapons in the world won't help you if they're sitting the warden's office.



VO : Going to prison is always a possibility for an operative. When your job involves working outside the law sometimes it can't be avoided. If you find yourself inside, the first thing to remember is patience. You have to take your time, figure out who the players are and stay out of trouble as long as you can; because, inevitably, trouble will come to you.



VO : The most dangerous time in an infiltration is often when you've completely sold your target and made your way in. The reason is that your target is usually bringing you to his boss and upper management tends to harder to convince.


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Ecrit par Locksley 
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chrismaz66, 27.05.2024 à 08:08

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