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Michael en voix off - 507



VO : In any surveillance operation you have to resist the impulse to grab your target and interrogate him immediately. It may be tempting, particularly when your target was, say, involved in framing you for a murder. Of course, just because it's the right way to do things doesn't make it fun.



VO : As a spy a lot of missions depend on the world not knowing you were there. When an op involves saving someone's life and keeping your presence unknown you have to make your escape creditable. When the person you're saving is an untrained civilian you need to make it look like they escaped like an untrained civilian.



VO : Spies deal with foreign agencies, dirty corporations and criminal syndicates all the time. But none of that compares to dealing with families. Asking a man to take apart a business or turn on his country is easy compared to going into a man's home and telling him how to deal with the people he loves. That's why, when confronted with a family situation it's usually a good idea to tell the truth.



VO : There are dozens of ways to disarm a man with a gun but unfortunately they all come with a risk that the gun will go off. No matter how good you are it's not something you wanna try with a child present. Unless you wanna tell a bereaved mom that you gambles with her kids life because you felt lucky.



VO : You can tell a lot about a group from looking at their base. Their fortifications can tell you whether they are focused on offense or defense and their vehicle type and number can tell you how mobile they are. The most important thing to check – their weapons. If they are carrying M-16s on full auto you're probably not dealing with armatures camping in the woods.



VO : Sneaking past trained operatives waiting in ambush is usually next to impossible. They can stay alert through the long boring hours of waiting ready for action at any second. Armatures, on the other hand, tend to relax which can give you the opening you need.



VO : Coordinated covert offensives involving two teams are a lot like ballroom dancing. You have to synchronize your steps, time your moves and always put your partner first. But unlike the tango or the two step it's good form to hog the limelight during covert ops. If all eyes are on you, your partner can work undetected on the sidelines.



VO : Using an untrained asset to make contact with a target is never ideal. Meeting in person would be an outright failure so it helps to do it over the phone. That way you can write the script for the asset and all they have to do is read – most of the time.



VO : Tricking an enemy into letting you inside their stronghold is a strategy as old as ancient Greeks; but, you don't always need to build a large wooden horse. With a modified special-purpose Insertion/Extraction harness you can hitch a ride under a vehicle and go right through the front door.



VO : For as long as armies have built fortifications others have tried to get past them. Seize warfare can involve tunneling under, scaling over or smashing through walls. Once you are inside though you are dealing with an entrenched enemy defending his home. That's why the most successful sieges often don't involve attacking at all but tricking your enemy into coming out.


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Ecrit par Locksley 
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