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VO : The age of satellite surveillance had made some operations easier for spies and a lot harder for others. If you need to secretly meet someone who is being tracked by a satellite your options are pretty limited. The only move it to make sure that you are someplace the surveillance satellites can't see you. That usually means a cave, a tunnel or, in a pinch, a freeway overpass.



VO : For a spy, loyalty is a strange thing. You job is to deceive, to live among your enemies to perform dark deeds for a noble purpose. And it's that purpose that guides you through the darkness. When you loose site of that, the darkness is all there is.



VO : In a situation where you're trying to keep someone from being captured, your best leverage is often the life of the very person you're trying to protect. The trick is convincing the bad guys that you're willing to kill their prize before you let them have him.



VO : The one way to preserve the information in a DRAM chip is by freezing it immediately after you take it out of the computer. A quick application of compressed air from your local drug store will keep the memory intact long enough to get what you need. It's possible but far from easy. And if you don't want to get caught it takes some practice.



VO : One of the nice things about sending a full scale homeland security response after your enemies is the fact that you can get the resources of every branch of law enforcement which means that they generally catch whoever they're after and they don't listen to excuses.



VO : For a spy, the worse thing that can happen is to become someone else's asset. You do anything you can to avoid it, making sure there's nothing people can grab on to and use as leverage. You move through life unattached, keeping the world at a distance. It's a hard way to live but there is a cold logic to it. Love nothing and nothing you love can be used against you. Once you violate that rule and make that connection with someone you've handed your enemies the key to destroying you.



VO : When you're surprised by an enemy who has you out gunned, your first instinct is naturally going to be to try to run. This can be a serious tactical mistake. Sometimes it's less important to get away immediately than it is to make sure your enemies can't follow.



VO : When operating without official cover in remote locations you don't have resources or backup if things go wrong. So it's usually best to move fast and stay exposed for as little time as possible. It's just a matter of figuring out what you're up against, crossing your fingers and getting in and out as quickly as you can.



VO : Creating a good diversion isn't just about creating noise and firing guns. It's about giving the enemy the impression that he's being attacked in a way that demands the immediate attention of all of his forces. Ideally something big and very, very loud.



VO : When you need to buy time for an operation, the key is staying relaxed. No matter how high the stakes are you have to act like everything's fine. The key is staying natural giving your team as much room to operate as you can without letting on what you're doing. When you know that time is running out, you have to signal your team at the first opportunity and hope for the best.



VO : Active security systems are built to keep people out, passive systems on the other hand don't prevent security breeches they help you catch the bad guy after he leaves. They're often cheaper and more effective plus they let you know who your enemies are. Micro RFID tags, work like anti-theft tags in department stores only they're a lot smaller and stick to clothes, shoes and even hair. Once activated they transmit a response to a coded signal. From there it's easy for a surveillance satellite to lock on and follow a high value target. And the best part is, the target never even knew it happened.


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Ecrit par Locksley 
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chrismaz66, Hier à 10:02

Bonjour l'Animation Torchwood a démarré ce matin, venez aider l'équipe à retrouver leur chef Jack! Je vous attens, bon dimanche à tous!

langedu74, Hier à 19:39

Encore quelques pouces nécessaires pour valider le thème de The Handmaid's Tale, merci

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 08:02

J'ai voté pour le thème Langedu74 ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 09:16

voté aussi!

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 10:08

Venez départager Christian Clavier et Bruno Salomone chez Kaamelott, les Gladiateurs (jeu) c'est la finale! Merci ^^

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